Guest Speaker – Eoghan Murray

7 October 2016 | Guest Speakers

On Monday 26th September 2016, the club had Eoghan Murray of f/1.0 camera repair and Greystones Camera Club as its guest speaker.

Eoghan repairs most kinds of photographic equipment including DSLRs, lenses and flashguns and specializes in Canon gear. He brought along cameras in varying states of disassembly and health while entertaining and educating us on sensor cleaning; looking after our cameras, lenses and card; what to do if water gets in; and the differences between Canon and Nikon assembly methods.

He also stressed the importance of keeping gear and bags clean and the usefulness of a good air blower.
The evening was enjoyable and informative and we thank Eoghan for spending the time with us. Contact Eoghan via his website or on Facebook.