Club Outing – Point to Point at Fairwood, Tinahely
This is horses racing over fences across fields. Facilities are basic but there is access to all areas – well almost. It is likely to be quite muddy which makes for good shots.
The first of six races is at 12:30. The journey will take you just over 1½ hours and when you get to Tinahely the course will be advertised. (
We will meet either at the course (52°46’40.8″N 6°28’25.3″W) at 12 noon or 11:00 at Murphy’s hotel in Dwyer Square, Tinahely
You will need a telephoto lens preferably with a minimum of 70-200mm and a general purpose lens for saddling/enclosure/punters. A monopod will help and raingear, warm clothing and a pair of stout shoes or boots. Bring a change of footwear!
For more details contact
Horses weigh ½ton and travel at 30mph and it’s easy to become distracted when taking photographs. Use common sense, take responsibility for your own safety and then go shoot and have fun.