Club Outing – Liffey Descent

13 June 2024 | Club Outings

On a warm sunny Saturday afternoon on 11th May 5 members met at Lucan Weir to watch the brave paddlers descend from The K Club, Straffan to Islandbridge.

The course consists of 10 weirs and 1 portage over a 32km length. Two other members had gone to other weirs at earlier stages on the route, with the intention of making their way to the Lucan weir.

While we waited for the canoes to appear the conversation was about the amazing Aurora Borealis visible over Dublin the previous evening and the chances of its return.

There was a long wait for the first boats to arrive but once they started to appear there was a steady stream of them (excuse the pun). At Lucan weir paddlers had a choice of going down “the chicken run” a run with a shallow gradient or a steep almost vertical drop which although more difficult is a faster route.

Obviously cameras were set to burst mode so everyone had plenty of shots to look through.

After a couple of hours members started to gradually drift away, off to enjoy the sunshine and hopefully see another nightime light display.

Some images (click on an image to open in full-screen mode) from the outing can be seen below: