Every bit of space along the path was taken up by the paparazzi including a new member, lined up like sardines in a tin. Lots of friendly chatter and helpful suggestions, selfies and group shots. We were all there for the same reason.
Lenses of every colour and length, focused on the lighthouse, last minute checks on aperture, timing and ISO settings. And then double-checked. Tripods positioned, every nut tightened. A close eye on the time to make sure we were ready. Another look through the viewfinder for a glimmer of moonlight breaking through the horizon. Even the passing traffic slowed down to look at this curious spectacle of lunatics. This was going to be epic.
We waited.
And then we waited more…
The Moon WAS there but masked by dark clouds. Minutes later, we spotted the faint Moon higher in the sky. Naturally, all 22 ofus were disappointed but it was a great turnout nevertheless and I suppose there’s always next month…!
Some images (click on an image to open in full-screen mode) from the outing can be seen below: