Club Outing – Russborough House Birds of Prey

21 June 2024 | Club Outings

On Sunday 9th June, 25 members met in the carpark of Russborough House to photograph Birds of Prey. This was a session organised specifically for photographers.

On arrival we were split into two groups. The first group were brought to a tree lined area where three birds took turns being placed in different positions for us to photograph. The first was a little Boobook Owl named Bob, then we met an Abyssinian Owl called Alan and finally a Long Eared Owl.

In the meantime the second group went to a different part of the estate where they met a Barn Owl, an African Spotted Eagle Owl and last but by no means least, a Golden Eagle.

The two groups then swapped locations and were given time with the other birds.

Next, we were all brought together for the ‘fly over’. Everyone knelt in a line and a Barn Owl was flown from one handler to the other in front of us.

After that two Harris Hawks flew to a tree stump about 20 meters away (as they normally hunt in groups two could fly at the same time). On a signal they flew towards us and over our heads to the handlers, who were now positioned behind us.

They did this a number of times with the handlers working their way along the line so everyone had a good opportunity for shots.

As the birds and photographers began to tire, we adjourned to the café where we had coffee and sandwiches.

Everyone agreed that it had been a thoroughly enjoyable and educational day.

Some images (click on an image to open in full-screen mode) from the outing can be seen below: