Club Outing – Saltee Islands

26 June 2024 | Club Outings

On the morning of the 15th of June 2024, 14 members of Offshoot arrived at the Saltee Ferry in Kilmore Quay, Co. Wexford and again on the 22nd June, 9 members. The annual trip to the protected wildlife sanctuary, the Great Saltee was about to get underway. The members of Offshoot were ready to storm the beach from the rib and take thousands of photos.

The 2 days could not have been more different. The 15th brought challenging sea and weather conditions for the 20 minute crossing and for photography. Despite these conditions a most memorable day was spent on this beautiful island. Some members were first timers and others more seasoned.

Everybody split up and headed towards the various bird colonies on the Island. Most notable were the Puffins as always with Gannets, Razor Bills, Guillemots, Cormorants and even Seals providing the Photographers with outstanding subjects. These wonderful creatures gave us all a glimpse into their world at a safe distance. The crossing on the way back was not as rough but still challenging. However despite this the members topped of a truly wonderful day in the Saltee Chipper.

On the 22nd of June 9 members attended and gathered for coffee on the quay in Mediterranean type weather. Again, the Bird colonies allowed us into their world and boy did they deliver for the 2nd week in a row. Some members ventured to the Island’s high point to the Gannet colony, where nesting, mating and territorial behaviours were witnessed along with the odd chick.

Puffins gladly performed for fish in the mouth and flight shots. Razor Bills too. The Saltee Chipper called again to our hungry photographers to come in and enjoy fish, chips and chat. Memories of the day and the previous week were shared before heading home.

The 2 days on the Great Saltee were without a doubt amongst the most memorable for the Society and we all agreed we are looking forward to the return trip in 2025.

Some images (click on an image to open in full-screen mode) from the outing can be seen below: