Club Outing – Fawns & Farmleigh
FALLOW DEER FAWNS: Fawns are born in May and June. The best months to find fawns are July or August. Photo walking is the easiest way to find them (as we do in the rut). Lens should have a focal length greater than 300mm.
FARMLEIGH ESTATE: Farmleigh Estate is open. Please note that the house and public toilets are closed until further notice. Please observe the Covid 19 social distancing guidelines. The estate includes a walled garden, sunken garden, fountain lawn and lake.
We will meet in the Papal Cross car park at 11.00 am (https://goo.gl/maps/jQ5gDbPFQu8wh3S46).
For more details contact outings@offshoot.ie.
It’s easy to become distracted when taking photographs. Use common sense, take responsibility for your own safety and then go shoot and have fun. Please note the society’s COVID-19 Protocols in place for Outings and Events.