Club Outing / Meeting – Light Painting at the Graveyard in Glendalough
Our plan is:
(a) to do light painting in the graveyard so members need to bring a torch and any props that they think might be useful;
(b) as there is a waning moon at that time of the month, we also hope to try and get some star trails after the light painting provided the sky is pretty clear of course.
Meeting Time: 7.50 pm at the gate of the churchyard in Glendalough. This gate is just over the bridge and on the left-hand side. There is parking opposite the gate.
Parking: Drive over the bridge in Glendalough. Immediately, there is parking on the RHS of the road opposite the gate to the graveyard.
Advice to members: look up at least 2 of the links we are giving you to get an idea of what you can do with light painting and /or star trails. We are no experts at all as only one person on the committee has done light-painting before.
Equipment needed as Minimum: Camera, Kit lens with as small an f-stop as possible, tripod with cable or remote release, torch or another source of light.
Also fairly essential: Fingerless gloves if you have them. Warm clothing and boots as the grass could be very damp.
Video links for photographing light-painting and star trails: (post processing – more advanced)
For more details contact
It’s easy to become distracted when taking photographs. Use common sense, take responsibility for your own safety and then go shoot and have fun. Please note the society’s COVID-19 Protocols in place for Outings and Events.