Guest Speaker – Neil McShane

22 February 2015 | Guest Speakers

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Neil McShane was our guest speaker at the OffShoot meeting on 9th February to talk about his B&W Landscape images and how he views his art and his reasons for using B&W as the medium for expressing himself.

He also told us how he used his Canon EOS 5D MK2 and Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5L II to create images in medium-format proportions and quality. We were taken through a number of the images in his portfolio and got insights into how and why the pictures were taken.

Many of our members left the meeting inspired to do more B&W work. Thanks Neil for your time and sharing your work with us.

See more about Neil’s work at his website here or at his Google+ page here.

All images above © Neil McShane. Used with permission.