Club Outing – Kilmacurragh

30 April 2014 | Club Outings


On Sunday 27th April a group of Offshoot members about 10 strong paid a visit to Kilmacurragh Botanic Gardens in Wicklow.

The main attraction at this time of year is the spectacle of the Rhododendrons in full bloom – these were a sight to behold and you will get an idea of this from some of the accompanying images.

The weather was overcast but fine . Probably a little dull to capture the beautiful display of Rhododendrons in all their pomp, but acceptable for macro photography. Besides the Rhododendrons, there is also a variety of other plants though it was a bit early in the year for most of these to bloom.

Overall we managed to get some decent images and the feedback was generally positive, a few members remarking that they were unaware of the Gardens before the visit and would definitively be returning later in the Summer.

After arriving around 9am we stayed in the gardens for the morning and finished with a cup of coffee and biscuits.