All the News
Club Outing – Toadstools and Autumn Woodland Workshop
Over the weekend of the 22nd/23rd October more than 20 members joined Bill Power for a toadstool workshop in the woods. None of us will ever walk into a wood again without considering what may be beneath our feet. A truly ‘magic’ mushroom experience. Some images...
Club Event – Model Night
OffShoot’s annual “Model Night” was on 17 October. This is where we have the chance to experience shooting with professional models under studio lights. The Club would like to thank our models, Piya, Melissa & Julien who did a great job working with our members....
Club Outing – Deer Rut at Phoenix Park
The alarm sounded at 6 am and the rain pounded against the window driven by a demonic wind. Six of us crawled from under the duvet and headed for the Phoenix Park. The rain stopped and the sky brightened and the deer performed their annual ritual. A spectacle to...
Club Competition – The Essence of Summer
On 10th October the 4th formal competition for 2016, 'The Essence of Summer', was judged by Peter Gordon. Congratulations to all who took part and thanks to Peter, once again, for an informative evening. Many thanks for all the entries in both Level 1 and Level 2...
Club Outing – Liffey Descent
OffShoot was to have an outing to take pictures of a marathon canoe race on the River Liffey called the Liffey Descent. However on the day it was not only the canoes that descended! The rain was the main item of the day. Consequently only one lone OffShooter made the...
Guest Speaker – Eoghan Murray
On Monday 26th September 2016, the club had Eoghan Murray of f/1.0 camera repair and Greystones Camera Club as its guest speaker. Eoghan repairs most kinds of photographic equipment including DSLRs, lenses and flashguns and specializes in Canon gear. He brought along...
Robbie O’Leary LIPF
Congratulations to Robbie O'Leary for attaining his LIPF Distinction at the September 2016 sitting of the IPF.
Club Outing – Malahide Castle
Nine Midweek Shooters travelled to Malahide Castle and grounds. After an interesting tour of the castle during which we were allowed to take photographs without flash the usual meanderings were followed by refreshments. Some images (click on an image to open in full...
Club Outing – Castletown House
Seven OffShoot members met this Saturday 10th September at Castletown House and were treated to a 'Grand Tour of the House' by Deirdre and the other members of staff at the house. Thanks for the warm reception and definitely a place that would take more than one visit...
Summer Outing – Bulloch Harbour Silhouettes
On Monday 29th August between 15 and 20 members went to Bulloch Harbour with the intention of shooting silhouettes. Lighting was fairly flat when we arrived and members spread themselves far and wide around the area in search of an elusive image. In the end, there was...
Summer Outing – Dun Laoghaire Sunset
On Monday 22nd August our members headed for Dun Laoghaire. Was the meeting point the East or West Pier? Confusion reigned... Some went East and some went West. No matter, good photos were got! Some images (click on an image to open in full screen mode) from the...
Summer Outing – Bar Monkeys
On a glorious sunny evening (15th August 2016) about 20 OffShoot members headed down to Shanganagh Park in Shankill to be entertained by the Bar Monkeys and take some pictures in the process. We were given a display by Jamie and Laura on the bars and ground and many...