Club Outings
On Saturday 21st October, on a dark and damp morning, 9 members of our club (including 1 new member) assembled in the heart of the Phoenix Park to witness and photograph the annual deer rut. We gathered before dawn, and it was clear from the eerie bellowing and...
Club Outings
On Tuesday 17th October 7 Club members met at 10.30 to photograph Mount Usher Gardens. It was a dull overcast day, but thankfully not cold. As the light was not conducive to exciting photography we decided to limit the visit to 2 hours. The Summer flowers were on the...
Club Outings
On Saturday 14th October 11 members, including 2 very welcome new members, made the trip to the Lough Boora Discovery Park in Co. Offaly. It was a beautiful Autumn morning and the 2hr drive ( with the occasional wrong turn ) was well worth the effort. We gathered in...
Club Outings
On a beautiful October Saturday, with temperatures touching 23 degrees eight Offshoot members met at the entrance to the Graveyard in Glendalough. A few early arrivals sat at the nearby booths and had coffees. At 10.30 we decided to begin and split up in order to...
Club Outings
Despite all of the previous September rainy days Saturday the 1st of October dawned with beautiful sunshine. This was the first day of an 8-day Festival in Ballinasloe with the Feature event being the Horse Fair. The Horse Fair took place on the 1st and 2nd of the...
Club Outings
On Saturday 9th September four members arrived at Emo Court. The weather was warm and sunny. Emo House is a neo-classical mansion, set amid the ancient Slieve Bloom Mountains. We meandered around the beautiful lake and walled garden. We experimented with ICM shots....