Olive Gaughan – AIPF

Olive Gaughan – AIPF

Congratulations to Olive Gaughan for attaining her AIPF Distinction at the March 2018 sitting of the IPF in Portlaoise.   The Power of Shadow Shadows form a silent and powerful influence on how we perceive the 3-Dimensional world we live in. What better means to...
David Whitaker – FSINWP

David Whitaker – FSINWP

Congratulations to David Whitaker for being awarded his Fellowship of Society of International Nature and Wildlife Photographers at the Societies Convention in London on 11th January 2018 for the panel below.     Top Row - Position #1Top Row - Position #2Top...
John Coveney AIPF

John Coveney AIPF

Congratulations to John Coveney for attaining his AIPF Distinction at the September sitting of the IPF held in Carlow on 25th September 2017. Two Fellowships, four Associateships and 16 Licentiateship applications were successful on this occasion. (Click on an image...
Mike Smith LSINWP

Mike Smith LSINWP

  Congratulations to Mike Smith for attaining his LSINWP Distinction at the May 2017 sitting of the Society of International Nature and Wildlife Photographers. The Society of International Nature and Wildlife Photographers members capture the natural world, which...