read the latest OffShoot Newsletter
OffShoot Photography Society OffShoot Photography Society
We believe that the image is everything!
This Week's Headlines

Splashes, thrills and maybe spills at Liffey Descent Outing today (Saturday 11th May)

Next Monday (13th May) – Colour / Print management

Go and see the Exhibition in Deansgrange Library

Next Club Competition – Photography Dereliction

Plenty of outings 

 See below for the details of these stories and more!


Finally we have some good weather. Not the heady heat of Southern Spain nor the chill of Antarctica but, for Ireland, not bad. The foliage is green again with the joy of youth and the birds are busy raising their young. And, it is all there to be enjoyed and photographed. Your images on Flickr are a sure assign that members are about and abroad so keep them coming for us all to savour and enjoy.

Next Monday

Member and professional image printer Steve Crozier will talk to the club about colour and print management. This is a really important aspect of the photographers art. In these days of projected images the eye of the printed photograph is so often ignored. Correct colour rendering on quality papers produces truly magnificent images. Steve is a master of his craft so, join us next Monday to be entertained and educated.

2024 Club Exhibition

Our 2024 Club Exhibition is on display at Deansgrange Library and, if you haven’t already done so, pay a visit to the library and expect to be overwhelmed

Our annual exhibition has always been a wonderful success, and seeing so many of our members’ images presented together is fantastic.

Thank you to all members who have submitted images for printing. 

If you haven’t already done so, please use the club bank account to pay for the exhibition prints. Please add a note to the payment saying it is for the exhibition. 

Upcoming Outings

Please check the What's On section in the Newsletter for more details. Don’t forget the Liffey Descent outing on today (Saturday 11th May). We meet at Lucan Weir at 12:15.

The Outings Committee deserves all our thanks for their valiant efforts in keeping us entertained. What better way is there to meet other members, enjoy a bit of craic and even take some photographs. So, join in the fun and games which they strive so hard to provide for you. 

Member's Photo of the Week

Bluebells in the forest - Paul O'Brien

Just a note for new members – if you want any of your pictures considered for the photo of the week, you just have to post them to the OffShoot Flickr group at:

There’s also the latest images published on Flickr that are displayed on the OffShoot home page.

[Note. To join the Offshoot Flickr group, you must first be a Flickr member. Then send the email address used to join Flickr to You will get an email when you have been added to the group. Please be patient as this is a manual process.]

What's On 

Here are the next scheduled meetings and events for the Society:

Club Competitions

Next Club Competition – Theme “Dereliction

The next club competition will be on the theme of Dereliction. You can interpret this in any way you like as long as something is falling apart and neglected in the image.

As usual, please save your images in JPEG format and name them with your Level Number, Membership Number and Image Title in the following format:

L2-001-Image title.jpg

You may submit up to 2 images to this link 

Please Note: This is a projected competition for all levels.

The latest date for uploading your images is Monday 10th of June, with judging scheduled for Monday 17th of June.

The remaining competition themes for this year are: 

   Mono - September 

   Open - November

From the OffShoot Website
Interesting Videos

If you come across one you want to share let us know at

Is Technology Killing Photography (You're Not Gonna Like This One) - Steve Perry

Landscape Photography in the Burren - Jimmy Mc Donnell

IPF Links & Events

Irish Photographic Federation Web Site:

Most recent news and articles posted:

Distinction Sittings and Availability:

Accessing Video Recordings of Meetings

You can access the recordings of past Zoom meetings from the OffShoot website.

These videos are available in the Videos section of the Member’s Area at You will need to log in to the website to see the content of this section of the site.

Every member has a login to the site. If you don’t remember your login details go to and select the ‘Forgot your password?’ link. Enter the email address you received this newsletter with and reset your password. Once you’ve reset your password you can login and catch-up on speakers you missed. Happy catching up!

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OffShoot Photography Society
© 2024 OffShoot Photography Society and the Individual Members where their images are used.